About Kipsigis Girls High School
Our Mission: To provide a conducive environment for a life long quality education and training for a morally upright and all round girl child.
Our Vision: To be an excellent Educational Institution in the country.
Kipsigis Girls High School has the following academic departments; Mathematics, Languages, Humanities, Technical and Applied Sciences, Science and Examinations Departments. Other departments comprise of Boarding, Clubs and Societies, Careers, Guidance & Counseling, ICT and Games. Click here here to read more about the departments
Welcome to Kipsigis Girls High School, A School of Choice where “Education is the Fountain of Knowledge” and serves as our School Motto.

The following clubs are represented in our school; Wildlife, Computer Science, Y.C.S, C.U, Rangers, Scouts, St. John, Debate and Journalism. At Kipsigis Girls, every student is expected to belong to only one of the clubs.Click here to contact us