Message from the Principal
Mrs. Margaret Kirui – The Principal
I’m delighted and honored to Welcome to the Kipsigis Girls High School Website. Our school has made huge strides academically posting a positive improvement in KCSE in the last five years. I strongly believe that with the strategies that have been put in place, the school is headed for greater achievements. Thanks to the keen sense of team spirit, determination and a shared vision for all stakeholders.
Kipsigis Girls is a School which endeavors’ to pursue strategies and programmes aimed at fulfilling our mandate and contribution towards empowering the girl child. The School started in 1995 as an African Girls Boarding School with one stream of classes 5-8. The total enrolment was one hundred and forty pupils. At Kipsigis Girls we passionately pursue strategies and programmes aimed at fulfilling our mandate and contribution towards empowering the girl-child.Our goal is to position our girls to contribute significantly as key players to the social political and economic development of this nation.
Our School also prides itself in producing an all-round girl. The girls participate actively in many co-curricular activities like ball games, sports, scouting, St. John Movement, music, drama, among others. Our encouragement to all the students is to remember the importance of commitment to their studies. “All hard work brings a profit but mere talk lead to poverty” said Solomon, the wise king.